Why Art and Craft

Physical benefits:

Develops fine motor skills: Cutting out papers, colouring within the line, drawing shapes, boost your child’s fine motor skills. These skills come handy in her everyday life, like buttoning up her shirt, writing, eating, etc. Even simple actions like colouring with pencils or holding a paintbrush help to strengthen the muscles and improve their control.
Improves hand-eye coordination: Engaging in arts and crafts-related activities from a very young age leads to tremendous improvement in hand-eye coordination. This will help a child during the later primary-school years when she is forming letters or spacing out words.

Social/emotional benefits:

Emotional Regulation by self-expression: Art serves as a way for kids to communicate their feelings. This in turn gives kids a tool to use to regulate their emotions, and way for parents to understand their children. Some kids even turn to art as an escape, or a way to handle stress Children also derives satisfaction from making something on their own.
Helps in socializing: Being together with other children in an arts class gives a child the opportunity to interact and socialize with those sharing similar interests. And when parents show an interest in doing the activity with their child, it strengthens the parent–child bond as well.
Boosts self-esteem: Arts and crafts-related activities instill a sense of pride and achievement in a child, which helps in boosting his self-esteem.

Cognitive benefits:

Enhances innovation and creative ability: The opportunity to create whatever a child wants to encourages innovation. And the ability to think and solve problems she might face while making something enhances creativity.
Sharpens decision-making skills: Facing and solving artistic challenges will help a child learn to make effective and correct decisions. This helps to develop a problem-solving attitude, which will also help him in other endeavours of his life.
Improves visual-learning and memory: Through arts and crafts, a child not only learns about new shapes and colours, but also becomes aware of different patterns and figures. Activities such as jewelry making or sculpting even requires visualising and memorising complex designs in the mind
The various benefits of arts and crafts also extend to the development of cultural awareness and improved academic performance as well. When so many benefits are packaged in arts and crafts, and that too with fun and excitement, why not allow your child to engage in it?
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